The first step of the project was aimedto analyse the leather goods sector in Europe.
The first step of the project was aimedto analyse the leather goods sector inEurope and to find the best way oftraining a new profile needed by theindustry. The Leather Goods ManufacturingTechnician: both manual andtechnological skills will be required bythe industry!
Here some picture from the last presentialmeeting of the LEIA project thatwas in Oporto, Portugal!
The partners had the possibility toex-change ideas, methods of trainingsand to visit the headquarter of theleather goods manufacturing companyBELCINTO
The Leather Goods industryprovides an important levelof employment in Europewhich rounds 13.138 companiesand 113.304 employeesand a turnover of 15.331 MillionEuros but we found outthat the education connectedis not so developed.
4 VET training entities from Portugal,Italy, Spain and Romania, in cooperationwith 2 companies from Portugal and Italy,and a specialist in advanced learningtechnologies, decided to work towardinnovative responses to the VET lackdetected.
The project, called LEIA is financed byEuropean funds. It started on October2019 and will end on March 2022
The first step of the project was aimedto analyse the leather goods sector in Europe.
The first step of the project was aimedto analyse the leather goods sector inEurope and to find the best way oftraining a new profile needed by theindustry. The Leather Goods ManufacturingTechnician: both manual andtechnological skills will be required bythe industry!
Here some picture from the last presentialmeeting of the LEIA project thatwas in Oporto, Portugal!
The partners had the possibility toex-change ideas, methods of trainingsand to visit the headquarter of theleather goods manufacturing companyBELCINTO
The Leather Goods industryprovides an important levelof employment in Europewhich rounds 13.138 companiesand 113.304 employeesand a turnover of 15.331 MillionEuros but we found outthat the education connectedis not so developed.
4 VET training entities from Portugal,Italy, Spain and Romania, in cooperationwith 2 companies from Portugal and Italy,and a specialist in advanced learningtechnologies, decided to work towardinnovative responses to the VET lackdetected.
The project, called LEIA is financed byEuropean funds. It started on October2019 and will end on March 2022