A week dedicated to Portuguese Leather Goods Industry

A week with a wide program of online initiatives

CTCP and APICCAPS promoted, from 19 to 23 October, a week dedicated to the leather goods sector. This week had a wide program of online initiatives, such as webinars about production, brands, tecnologies, luxury, fashion trends. There were also, some testimonies from Portuguese companies / brands, such as Belcinto, António, Marta Ponti, Cuca and  Rufel. During this, CTCP also promoted a workshop on manual manufacturing of a bag, in our FabLab in São João da Madeira.

That initiative was promoted under the project LEIA - LEather Goods Integrated Action, The project is co-founded by the European Commission Programme ERASMUS+ .
All activities promoted in that week can be found on CTCP’s Youtube channel, just click HERE https://www.youtube.com/ctcportugal

We summarized in a short closing video all the initiatives promoted this week.

Ideas became reality in the leather goods workshop
During the Leather Goods Week, CTCP promoted a Workshop at its FabLab, in São João da Madeira. The challenge was to handcraft a classic bag from pattern making to finishing.The goal was achieved.

  In a week, with a total of 35 hours, 10 participants had the opportunity to learn and practice the handbag manufacturing process, going through the different stages of the process: design, modeling, cutting, sewing, assembly and finishing. Each participant developed one model.

New training approaches
This initiative ended with the Webinar: New training approaches in the leather goods sector. Rita Souto, responsible for the training department at CTCP and João Maia,managing director of APICCAPS, presented the LEIA project and other training projects that are available for this sector.
To assist the webinar click here: https://youtu.be/Fbv5SRhUAVM

Portuguese Leather Goods
The leather goods and saddlery sector has reinvented itself. Inspired by modernity, this industry has its essence in a long history.
The Portuguese Leather Goods industry can present a set of impressive numbers. By the end of last year, there has been an increase of 86% in the jobs of the industry (now accounting to 1 871 employees). The number of companies also increased by 6% to 120 companies.

Interesting vídeo links:
Portuguese Leather Goods Industry:https://youtu.be/YWd6NUliG5w
Portuguese Leather Goods Campaign: https://youtu.be/L6sP_dao6DE

A week dedicated to Portuguese Leather Goods Industry

A week with a wide program of online initiatives

CTCP and APICCAPS promoted, from 19 to 23 October, a week dedicated to the leather goods sector. This week had a wide program of online initiatives, such as webinars about production, brands, tecnologies, luxury, fashion trends. There were also, some testimonies from Portuguese companies / brands, such as Belcinto, António, Marta Ponti, Cuca and  Rufel. During this, CTCP also promoted a workshop on manual manufacturing of a bag, in our FabLab in São João da Madeira.

That initiative was promoted under the project LEIA - LEather Goods Integrated Action, The project is co-founded by the European Commission Programme ERASMUS+ .
All activities promoted in that week can be found on CTCP’s Youtube channel, just click HERE https://www.youtube.com/ctcportugal

We summarized in a short closing video all the initiatives promoted this week.

Ideas became reality in the leather goods workshop
During the Leather Goods Week, CTCP promoted a Workshop at its FabLab, in São João da Madeira. The challenge was to handcraft a classic bag from pattern making to finishing.The goal was achieved.

  In a week, with a total of 35 hours, 10 participants had the opportunity to learn and practice the handbag manufacturing process, going through the different stages of the process: design, modeling, cutting, sewing, assembly and finishing. Each participant developed one model.

New training approaches
This initiative ended with the Webinar: New training approaches in the leather goods sector. Rita Souto, responsible for the training department at CTCP and João Maia,managing director of APICCAPS, presented the LEIA project and other training projects that are available for this sector.
To assist the webinar click here: https://youtu.be/Fbv5SRhUAVM

Portuguese Leather Goods
The leather goods and saddlery sector has reinvented itself. Inspired by modernity, this industry has its essence in a long history.
The Portuguese Leather Goods industry can present a set of impressive numbers. By the end of last year, there has been an increase of 86% in the jobs of the industry (now accounting to 1 871 employees). The number of companies also increased by 6% to 120 companies.

Interesting vídeo links:
Portuguese Leather Goods Industry:https://youtu.be/YWd6NUliG5w
Portuguese Leather Goods Campaign: https://youtu.be/L6sP_dao6DE

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